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 nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)

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nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) EmptySam 22 Sep - 12:32

Alessandra Milena Romanov
« be yourself. everybody else is already taken. »
NOM: Romanov. PRÉNOM: Alessandra Milena. ÂGE: 27 ans. ORIGINES: Russe. MÉTIER/ÉTUDES: écrire ici. STATUT CIVIL: Célibataire. CRÉDITS: tumblr. AVATAR: Megan Fox.

please, tell me your story.
i’m listening.

Ici, tu nous racontes ta petite vie. Si tu veux la rendre plus passionnante, il t'est permis d'ajouter des gifs ou des bannières, ainsi que de la musique. N'oublie pas de créditer les œuvres des autres en revanche. Pour ce qui est du contenu, on est très libéral sur ce forum. Tu fais comme l'inspiration te vient : en anecdote, en texte suivi, tu peux même nous confier une petite séance chez le psychologue de ton personnage s'il suit une thérapie. Les journaux intimes sont à la mode, alors tu peux aussi nous en montrer des extraits. C'est comme tu veux. Tant que tu atteins les trente lignes, on sera très heureux de t'accueillir parmi nous.
welcome to our world.
nice to meet you.

nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Tumblr_m6rvg9XsNP1r6r05a
Ici, dis-nous qui tu es, quel âge tu as, si tu as des passions. N'oublie pas de nous révéler comment tu trouves THUB, ainsi que tes plus sombres secrets. Si ton personnage est issu de l'imagination de l'un de nos membres, indique-nous l'identité du créateur du scénario afin que nous attendions son aval pour ta validation. Ensuite, libre à toi de te présenter comme tu le veux.

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nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) EmptySam 22 Sep - 12:42

FOXY nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 63951 nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 577704309 nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 160806 nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 4201062021 Très bon choix de scénario nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 4201062021

Bienvenue et bonne chance pour la suite nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 4201062021
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nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) EmptySam 22 Sep - 12:45

Ton titre. nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 577704309 Excellent choix de scéna aussi. nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 577704309
Bienvenue parmi nous et bon courage pour ta fiche. nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 4201062021
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nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) EmptySam 22 Sep - 12:46

Bienvenue à toi !
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nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) EmptySam 22 Sep - 12:49

    FOOOOOOOOOOOOX nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 161626 nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 759523 nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 86663 I love you nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 432336 nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 160806 nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 63951 Excellent choix d'avatar et de scénario nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 536240 En tout cas bienvenue parmi nous et si tu as la moindre question, n'hésite pô nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 740551 nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 890765 nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 242446
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nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) EmptySam 22 Sep - 12:50

Bienvenue à toi nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 918094149
Bon courage pour ta fiche et pour le rôle ! nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 161626
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nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) EmptySam 22 Sep - 12:51

    encore une fox, j'vais finir par m'y habituer Arrow excellent choix d'avatar et de scénario, la Fox est trop sexe ! nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 160806 nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 1476772399
    bienvenue parmi nous et bon courage pour ta fiche nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 918094149
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nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) EmptySam 22 Sep - 12:56

SEXYFOX nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 502620555 bienvenue ici, et excellent choix de scénar nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 266409
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nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) EmptySam 22 Sep - 13:21

bienvenue parmi nous nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 890765
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nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) EmptySam 22 Sep - 14:33

Très bon choix de scénario, Fox est tellement sublime nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 63951

Bienvenue et bon courage pour ta fiche nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 88453
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nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) EmptySam 22 Sep - 15:14

FOX nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 759523 Super choix, bienvenue et amuse-toi bien :loni2:
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nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) EmptySam 22 Sep - 15:47

Bienvenue What a Face
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nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) EmptySam 22 Sep - 17:14

Wouah, wouah, wouah nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 63951 Vous êtes des rapides par ici :)
Merci beaucoup à tous, vous aussi vous êtes vraiment canons nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 432336

Au plaisir de venir vous harceler sur vos fiches de liens (a)
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nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) EmptySam 22 Sep - 17:46

Bienvenue par ici. Bon choix d'avatar nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 161626 I love you
Bon courage pour ta fiche ♥️
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nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) EmptySam 22 Sep - 18:20

Bienvenuuue :)
Je plussoie le choix d'avatar. nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 561929 nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 675700275
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nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) EmptySam 22 Sep - 19:20

Quel kit sexuel nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 784576 Bienvenue et merci de tenter le rôle ! Si tu as des questions écrit moi par rp délicieuse femme ! Bonne chance pour le rôle, je sais pas si tu as vu mais l'autre personne veux finir sa fiche ! Bref je te viole et voilà nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 161626
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nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) EmptySam 22 Sep - 20:13

BLAKE: J'adore le pseudo nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 63951 merci !

Merci, Gaspard nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 160806

BRAXTON: Ahaha, ravie que le kit te plaise nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 536240 Tes gifs sont vraiment orgasmiques nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 266409 Merci pour l'accueil et en cas de besoin je sais où te trouver :) Ah mince, j'avais même pas vu et bien.. bonne chance à toi aussi pour le choix final :p Vas-y je t'en prie, ce sera avec plaisir nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 27094
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Ella B. Clarke-Jarvis
Ella B. Clarke-Jarvis
ARRIVÉE : 07/09/2011
LOCALISATION : Dans le pays où on ne grandit jamais.

nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) EmptySam 22 Sep - 20:30

Bienvenue à toi nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 432336 nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 918094149
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https://hideunderbeds.1fr1.net/t2728-ella-le-meilleur-moyen-de-realiser-limpossible-est-de-croire-que-cest-possible https://hideunderbeds.1fr1.net/t2731-ella-dans-la-vie-les-choses-qui-ont-le-plus-de-valeur-sont-celles-qui-n-ont-pas-de-prix#91424

nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) EmptyDim 23 Sep - 5:26

Non, mais elle est revenue aujourd'hui. Roh, moi j'aime pas choisir mais voilà :loni2: J'ai hâte de voir ce que tu vas nous faire :abbey:
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nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) EmptyDim 23 Sep - 22:17

bienvenue. nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 63951
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Fernando Gautier-Perez
Fernando Gautier-Perez
DOUBLE-COMPTE : jona & louis.
ARRIVÉE : 07/03/2012
LOCALISATION : à l'hôpital.

nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) EmptyLun 24 Sep - 15:53

Ok, je t'aime rien que pour le titre nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 432336
Bienvenue I love you
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https://hideunderbeds.1fr1.net/t3256-fernando-mentir-est-ma-seconde-langue-maternelle https://hideunderbeds.1fr1.net/t3264-je-suis-docteur-je-peux-soigner-tes-maux-de-coeur

nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) EmptyMer 26 Sep - 19:49

On est mercredi nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) 784576
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nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) EmptyMer 26 Sep - 20:17

bienvenue à toi I love you
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nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) EmptySam 29 Sep - 18:02

    Ton délai est terminé, as-tu besoin d'un délai suppl ? I love you
    Tu as deux jours pour te manifester.
    En attendant je déplace.
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nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)   nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra) Empty

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nobody said it was easy no one ever said it would be this hard (alessandra)

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THEY HIDE UNDER BEDS. ☂ :: just gonna stand there and watch me burn :: every song has an ending :: souvenirs de la première version :: anciennes fiches de présentation-