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 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.

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BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 15:40

marie bambi théodora cassiopéa honey joyce grimm

you're harry freakin' potter ! we don't prefer gandalf, merlin, or oz, you're a whole lot hotter ! with that lighting scar, you're a superstar to us all ! if we're in trouble we know who to call !

nom : grimm. prénom : marie bambi théodora cassiopéa honey joyce. âge : vingt-quatre ans. origines : britannique et américaine. statut civil : toujours célibataire, maman d'une petite fille. occupation : étudie la littérature, libraire. avatar : la plus magnifique et trop peu choisie georgie laura henley. crédits : tumblr is my friend. scénario : nope.

living young and wild and free

t'arrives d'où : anciennement duncan a. bartholomew et esméralda h-a deschamps. pourquoi thub : parce que ce forum il gère, voilà pourquoi. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 86663 des avis : non tout est parfait. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 432336 des questions : aucunes. > règlement lu : évidement BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 161626 . > dernier mot : BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 592400 .

Bon bon, la partie la plus chiante de la fiche ou je ne sais jamais quoi dire Laughing Alors comme tout le monde le sait tellement je suis populaire moi c'est Céline la prétentieuse, ou Celooush comme surnom, âgée de seize ans. Sur bazzart vous pouvez me trouver sous le pseudo PIGFARTS IS ON MARS. même si je compte le rechanger encore une fois BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141 oui, je suis une éternelle indécise. J'habite en France, dans le sud, en PACA plus exactement, mais en ce moment il fait moche, il pleut et j'ai froid, donc vivement l'été. Je suis en première littéraire, et c'est dur. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141 plus tard je compte me marier avec monroe jackson rathbone five, parce que c'est l'homme de ma vie. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 63951 et puis si il veux pas, je me prendrai keegan allen parce que bah .. c'est keegan BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 160806 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 890765 ou tyler posey, ou joey richter, ou ... enfin bref BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 536240 j'aime manger des noisettes, j'ai toujours la dalle et j'ai une toute petite vessie ce qui fait que j'ai aussi toujours envie d'aller aux toilettes. ( détails très importants, vous deviez le savoir. ) sinon ... si je m'arrêtais là ? Laughing
ps : LES HOTTEST IN BED C'EST LES MEILLEURS DE THUB, A QUE ON DECHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRE AVEC PATRICK BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 372147 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 161626 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 266409 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 160806 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 432336 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 536240 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 242446 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 104551 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 834183 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 1418844996 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 2965971428
BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Tumblr_livm9sriOB1qaj5jro1_500

Dernière édition par Bambi T. Grimm le Dim 29 Jan - 22:07, édité 6 fois
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BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 15:40

this is where we're meant to be
BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Tumblr_lvqrnoIWoe1qg54r1o1_250 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Tumblr_lvqrnoIWoe1qg54r1o2_250
BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Tumblr_lvqrnoIWoe1qg54r1o3_250 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Tumblr_lvqrnoIWoe1qg54r1o4_250

Fille unique dans une famille assez aisée et catholique d'Arrowsic, Bambi n'a jamais manqué de quoi que ce soit. Son père étant architecte et sa mère styliste, elle a baigné dans l'art toute son enfance, ce qui peut expliquer pourquoi elle a une passion pour cet univers, et adore l'art plastique et la photographie. Seulement, étant très souvent absent ou dans une autre ville à cause de leur travail, elle a surtout été élevée par sa grand-mère, dans les règles de l'art. Dimanche à la messe, prière avant les repas, c'est comme cela que ses journées étaient rythmés depuis petite. D'ailleurs, elle ne se sépare jamais de son collier en or avec son pendentif en croix qu'elle à depuis à peu près toujours. Grâce à la foi et à l'église, elle n'a jamais été l'une de ces adolescentes en pleine débauche, sombrant rapidement dans l'alcool quand elles arrivent à s'en procurer, dans le tabac et la drogue, seulement pour être cool et faire comme les autres, bien au contraire. Elle n'a jamais touché à la drogue, et non plus au tabac. Ça ne lui intéresse vraiment pas de ruiner son argent de poche dans ce genre de choses qui ne servent à rien, si ce n'est d'avoir les dents jaunies et la bouche puant le tabac tous les jours. La fumée de la cigarette lui donne même des hauts le coeur, c'est pour dire qu'elle ne supporte vraiment pas ça. Et elle boit juste un peu de champagne pour les grandes occasions et déteste le goût de la bière. En gros, elle a souvent été vue comme une fille ayant un balai dans le cul, coincée. Paradoxalement, elle était aussi l'une de ces filles incroyablement mignone, et les garçons l'aimaient donc bien car ça leur donnait un peu de fils à retordre s'il voulait coucher avec elle ou bien l'avoir en petite-amie. Oui, peu de garçons pouvaient se vanter d'avoir couché avec Bambi. Pratiquement aucun en fait. La jeune fille à perdu sa virginité à dix-sept ans, et ce n'était même pas avec l'un de ses copains. Une grosse erreur. Sachant que c'était un blasphème pour sa famille puisqu'elle était censée se réserver pour le mariage. Et oui, contrairement à sa famille, malgré qu'elle ait un profond respect pour le Jésus et toutes ses choses, elle n'était pas autant portée sur les règles de l'église. Elle ne l'a d'ailleurs jamais dit à ses parents, s'ils l'apprenaient, elle serait vraiment morte, métaphoriquement parlant. Surtout que l'histoire ne s'arrête pas là.

i see you evertimeBAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Tumblr_lqxvnc2snM1qgbszdo1_400

Il était là, devant elle. Elle le voyait, elle sentait sa présence et surtout, elle commençait progressivement à avoir peur. Une boule se formait dans sa gorge alors que son fils s'avançait doucement vers elle avec ses petites jambes. Délirait-elle ? Devenait-elle folle pour qu'elle puisse le voir si nettement, si précisément alors qu'elle était censée ne jamais l'avoir vu et lui, ne jamais exister ? « Dis maman … pourquoi tu m'as tué ? » Tomber enceinte à dix-sept ans, c'était loin d'être la meilleure chose à faire. Ses parents étant de fervent chrétiens pratiquant, elle ne pouvait pas venir les voir, tout sourire et leur dire que de un, elle n'était plus vierge. Et de deux, qu'à cause de ce premier blasphème, un petit être allait grandir en elle, alors qu'elle n'avait pas encore de diplômes en poche, pas de boulots et qu'elle devrait se consacrer dorénavant plus à son enfant qu'à ses études. Hélas, les études comptaient plus que tout pour ses parents. Faire le plus d'études possible pour ensuite consacrer sa vie à aller à l'église, aider les gens et prier. Elle ne voyait pas vraiment à quoi cela servait, mais elle ne se sentait pas de leur dire la vérité. Elle ne voulait pas voir sur les visages de ses géniteurs la honte qu'elle représenterait une fois que toute l'histoire serait dite. Ils ne seront plus fiers d'elle, lui mettront encore plus la pression si cela est possible et peut-être même, la dénigreront. Encore si elle était de quelques années plus vieille, en ménage avec un homme avec qui se serait sérieux et que ses parents approuveraient. Mais elle n'était même pas majeure. Après avoir fait un test de grossesse et qu'elle s'était rendu compte qu'elle était enceinte, cela s'était révélé un choc pour elle. Puis, après avoir longuement réfléchit, une boule d'angoisse au ventre, elle prit enfin une décision : avorter. Elle n'était pas obligée de le dire à ses parents pour avorter et pour son avenir, c'était certainement mieux. Et depuis, l'horreur. Elle le voyait partout, rêvait chaque nuit de lui, elle en était fatiguée. Il l'a hantait. « Dis maman … moi aussi j'avais le droit de vivre … » Peut-être que si elle l'avait dit à ses parents, tout serait différent. Peut-être qu'au nom de l'église, ils n'auraient pas voulu qu'elle avorte, auraient bénis cet enfant venu du ciel et tout ceci ne serait pas arrivé. Elle aurait été heureuse, portant dans ses bras son merveilleux fils, ses parents l'aidant avec les couches, la garderie, les études et l'éducation de son joyeux bambin. Malheureusement, c'était loin d'être ça. « Tu n'aurais jamais dû faire ça, tu n'aurais jamais dû me tuer comme tu l'as fait … quelle mère fait ça à son fils ? » Reculant à mesure que la vision de son fils avançait vers elle, elle finit par tomber sur son lit, son coeur battant à tout allure dans sa poitrine. Elle devenait folle, elle devenait folle ... Elle avait surtout énormément peur. Elle se sentait misérable, horrible, détestable. Qu'elle genre de personne était-elle pour avoir fait ça ? Qu'elle genre de personne était-elle pour décider qui avait le droit de vivre ou de mourir ? Elle ne méritait même peut-être pas de vivre alors que son fils n'était pas sur terre. Pourquoi avait-il fallu quelle tombe enceinte ? Pourquoi Dieu avait décidé qu'elle ferait avorter son bébé ? Elle finit recroquevillée sur son lit, pleurant toutes les larmes de son corps sachant que, ce soir encore, lorsqu'elle fermerait les yeux et tomberait dans les bras de Morphée, elle le verrait une fois de plus.

hello youBAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Tumblr_lxkqccD8k31r8s93qo2_500

Elle n'en pouvait plus, il fallait que ça s'arrête. Quelques jours après son dix-huitième anniversaire, Bambi décida d'emménager dans une grande maison, pas loin de celle de ses parents. Ils lui avaient offert comme cadeau, sachant qu'elle voulait devenir plus indépendante et que ce serait la meilleure solution pour cela. Elle s'était tranquillement installée et avait continué sa petite vie. Seulement, elle n'allait pas mieux. Elle rêvait toujours de son bébé, elle le voyait chaque nuit, elle sentait sa présence et voyait sa silhouette le jour. Il lui parlait et elle en devenait folle. Elle ne savait pas comment faire pour ne plus voir son visage, pour ne plus rêver de lui, pour redevenir en paix avec elle-même. Si ça continuait, elle savait qu'elle risquait de tomber en dépression, de ne plus se nourrir ou de se faire interner en hôpital psychiatrique. Alors, elle décida avant que cela devienne trop dur pour elle d'aller prendre rendez-vous chez un psychiatre. Le jour du rendez-vous, elle était très angoissée. Elle allait devoir parler à un inconnu de sa vie, de ce qui n'allait pas bien dans sa tête, et ça la rendait extrêmement nerveuse. Même s'il devait avoir souvent l'habitude des situations bizarres et des maladies mentales, elle était convaincue qu'il risquait de la prendre pour une folle, elle qui avait toujours peur de faire fuir les autres. Mais elle ne voyait pas d'autres solutions : elle ne pouvait pas passer toutes les nuits prochaines de sa vie à rêver de lui. Et c'était toujours hors de questions d'en parler à ses parents. « Vous pouvez entrer dans son bureau, il ne devrait pas tarder à arriver. » Bambi fit un petit sourire poli à la secrétaire avant de se lever et de marcher doucement jusqu'au bureau. Là, elle s'assit dans un fauteuil et attendit patiemment, essayant de bien expirer et inspirer, dans le but de se calmer, en vain. Elle se sentait un peu débile de se trouver là, elle appréhendait beaucoup. Jamais elle n'aurait pensé avoir besoin de faire affaire avec un psychiatre. Puis la porte s'ouvrit et un jeune homme entra, un grand sourire sur ses lèvres, et se dirigea vers Bambi. « Bonjour, je suis le docteur Emrys Andersson. Nous allons travailler ensemble et essayer de te faire aller mieux. » Elle se leva par politesse puis lui sourit doucement, serrant la main qu'il tendait devant elle. Elle était pour ainsi dire comme hypnotisée par lui, par cette présence qu'il dégageait. Il était grand et élancé, imposant naturellement le respect et avait l'air trop gentil et bienveillant pour être vrai. Elle le trouvait immédiatement beau, elle qui n'avait pas pour habitude de tomber amoureuse du premier coup d'oeil. Elle était du genre à tomber amoureuse par rapport au temps, et non au premier regard. Pourtant, là, depuis qu'elle l'avait vu, elle se sentait différente et un peu mieux. Le problème, c'est qu'elle n'était pas en mesure d'être avec lui, étant donné qu'elle était sa patiente. Et ça, elle l'avait un peu oublié.

when would i have a happy ending ?BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Tumblr_lnhe8aPbjM1qd6rjko1_400

Cela faisait environ un an qu'ils se côtoyaient tous les deux, en tant que docteur et patiente. Mais malgré ses essais - en vain - de rester concentrer pour aller mieux, de ne pas perdre de vue son objectif et de ne pas tomber amoureuse, elle avait fini par craquer sous le charme de son psychiatre. Depuis qu'elle travaillait avec lui, elle allait beaucoup mieux, voyait de moins en moins son bébé, jusqu'à ne plus du tout le voir, ce qui était un grand soulagement pour elle. Mais en plus de ça, c'était grâce à lui qu'elle allait mieux. Il suffisait qu'il soit près d'elle pour qu'elle se sente en sécurité, protégée de tout. Oui, en gros, c'était une imbécile. Maintenant qu'elle allait mieux dans sa tête, c'était son coeur qui souffrait. Quelle idiote elle était de ne pas arriver à enterrer ses sentiments pour le jeune homme comme toute patiente normalement constituée aurait fait ! Mais elle non, gardant toujours le plus infime espoir que la situation change, que Dieu lui vienne en aide où qu'elle trouve une solution. Elle était d'une positivité sans borne, sauf lorsqu'elle était tombée enceinte, là, elle avait réelle perdue tout espoir. Seulement, elle n'arrivait pas à renversé la donne. Elle n'arrivait pas à lui proposer d'aller boire un verre en toute amitié, ou de sortir quelque part. Foutue timidité. Dès qu'elle était sur le point de lui demander, elle se retrouvait avec un noeud dans la gorge, les mains moites et l'incapacité de dire un seul mot. Dans sa tête elle se répétait qu'elle était inintéressante, nulle, moche, qu'elle ne lui plaisait surement pas, qu'elle allait se faire rembarrer, et qu'au meilleur des cas où elle lui plaisait rien qu'un peu, il allait surement mettre sur le tapis leur relation de patiente et docteur. La poisse en gros. Pourtant, comme par magie, à son plus grand étonnement, leur relation évolua quelques mois plus tard. Elle était plus qu'heureuse. Il lui aurait fallu un simple petit café pour qu'ils s'embrassent enfin. A partir de là, tout est allé très vite. Elle l'aimait, il l'aimait, elle voyait enfin une porte de sortie par rapport à sa maladie, elle voyait une ouverture sur l'avenir avec lui. A sa plus grande surprise, ils vécurent ensemble heureux pendant trois ans. Ca plus longue relation, elle qui n'était jamais vraiment sortie avec un garçon. Elle était pour ainsi dire pire que nulle et vraiment pas à l'aise dans ce domaine. Séduire, draguer ... C'était loin d'être sa tasse de thé. Mais avec lui, avec Emrys, tout avait l'air tellement plus facile, plus naturel, plus évident. Jusqu'à ce jour. Noirceur après trois ans de bonheur. Ils devaient revenir d'une soirée entre amis, mais cela ne s'est pas totalement bien fini. « Je vais prendre un taxi chérie, je dois aller faire un détour d'abord. » avait-il dit en lui déposant un baiser sur ses lèvres. Voilà comment tout avait commencé. Comment la situation avait changé. Elle avait pris leur voiture et s'était dépêchée de rentrer chez eux. Elle l'attendu pendant près de deux heures. Jusqu'à ce que la police sonne à sa porte. « Vous êtes Mademoiselle Grimm ? » Une énorme vague de peur l'envahit, elle sentait que quelque chose n'allait pas. En même temps, quelle police sonnerait à la porte chez des gens pour annoncer que tout va bien ? Aucune. Pourquoi des policiers se tenaient devant elle et pas son chéri ? Pourquoi la regardaient-ils d'un air aussi grave ? Une boule se formait dans sa gorge alors qu'ils commencèrent à parler. Et puis, la vérité éclata. Cruelle, injuste. Et avec elle, les larmes de la jeune fille. Elle ne pouvait s'arrêter de pleurer toutes les larmes de son corps. Ses jambes vacillèrent alors qu'elle tomba sur le sol, sous le choc. Son amoureux venait de se faire tuer dans un accident de voiture alors qu'elle avait appris ce matin-même qu'elle était enceinte de deux mois de son enfant.


Dernière édition par Bambi T. Grimm le Dim 29 Jan - 21:04, édité 6 fois
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Mattia Jarvis
Mattia Jarvis
ARRIVÉE : 03/09/2011

BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 15:43

Bienvenue parmi nous <3

(si mon message gêne, dis le moi :P)
Bon courage pour ta fiche !!
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https://hideunderbeds.1fr1.net/t2704-mattia-some-days-are-better-than-others https://hideunderbeds.1fr1.net/t2755-mattia-some-days-are-better-than-others

BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 15:44

merci beaucoup BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 63951
( non non, ne t'inquiète pas, j'ai mes deux posts pour faire ma fiche BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 161626 )
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BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 16:39

Bienvenue, j'ai kiffé bambi.
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BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 16:46

merci I love you moi je suis genre une grosse inculte de la vie, j'ai jamais vu BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 7985 mais je trouvais ça faisait classe comme prénom BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141
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BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 16:51

    Bienvenue ! ♥
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BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 16:53

JARED BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 266409
merci beaucoup I love you
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Aaron Lawford
Aaron Lawford
MESSAGES : 14387
ARRIVÉE : 12/01/2011

BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 17:22

DUNCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 577704309 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 577704309 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 577704309 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 577704309 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 577704309 Oh putaaaaain. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 759523 Comment ça fait trop du bien de te revoir ici bordel. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 7985 Euh par contre j'exige un double-compte Valentyne/Duncan. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141 Arrow Bon je vous présente la meuf qui va squatter le flood H24. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 I love you JE SUIS CONTEEEEEEEENTE EN TOUT CAS. I love you Mais t'étais partie où, dis-moi ? T'avais hiberné, c'est ça ? BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 536240 Espèce de cachottière, tu nous as même pas invité ! BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 768993 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 372147 Bon sérieusement, j'aime beaucoup l'avatar & la première signature dans ta fiche. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 266409 Elle est jolie cette Georgie. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 242446 ET SINON WAOU PURÉE TU T'ES SURPASSÉE POUR LA LONGUEUR DU PRÉNOM NON? BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 562126 Anyway, rebienvenue à la maison grosse patate. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 2763270137 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 217379
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BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 17:34

C'EST MOI C'EST MOI C'EST MOI C'EST MOOOOOOOOI BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 63951 et moi ça fait trop du bien de revenir au bercail là, je me sentais toute nue ( BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 212121 ) de plus être parmi-vous, sérieux BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 86663 j'avoue, valentyne&duncan ça gérait tout BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141 ( mister arrowsic, c'est quand même pas rien BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 372147 ) BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 T'as vu la réputation que tu me met ? BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 Nan mais le flood, c'est toute ma vie, c'est l'air que je respire, la nourriture que je mange, le sang coulant dans mes veines, le cœur battant dans ma poitrine ... BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 32632 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141 Je t'ai laisser de la place dans ma caverne d'hibernation si tu veux, c'est très confortable BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 86663 Non mais déjà j'avais une présence très réduite dans les derniers mois, j'arrivais plus à me connecter sur les forums donc j'ai un peu tout quitter Laughing ( et puis avec monsieur l'ordinateur qui faisait sa diva ... BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 768993 ) MAIS JE SUIS DE RETOUR MOUHAHAHAAAA BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 432336 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 691554 merci BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 63951 Et oui, elle est magnifique BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 160806 MEME PAS BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 D'habitude je prend trente-six mille prénom et en plus j'en prend des longs ( genre esméralda honey-arizona BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 ) Pour une fois je trouve qu'ils sont trop courts BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 432336 merci beaucoup beybey la meilleure BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 63951 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 266409 I love you
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BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 17:37

J'allais faire un long message pour dire "waaa c'est cool Duncan, tu reviens à la maisoooon" mais Abbey m'a dépassée BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094

Donc, je me contenterais de dire que je suis heureuse de te revoir ici aussi, copine du flood I love you Maintenant que t'es une fille, comment je vais faire dans le GIRLS vs BOYS ? D'ailleurs, il existe encore ce jeu ? BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 Et ton pseudo ! Shocked BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 63951
Rebienvenue ici I love you
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BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 17:41

Non mais Abbey elle écrit plus vite que son ombre BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 691554
COUPAAAAAAAIN DE FLOOOOOOD BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 86663 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 266409 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 63951
BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 tiens j'avais pas pensée à ça ... héhé je me travestirai en Bambo BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 592400 J'espère bien qu'il existe encore, sinon on va devoir le remettre, c'est pas possible THUB sans GIRLS VS BOYS BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 432336 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 63951 merci beaucoup beaucoup BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 266409 I love you
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Aaron Lawford
Aaron Lawford
MESSAGES : 14387
ARRIVÉE : 12/01/2011

BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 17:47

AU BERCAIL. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 Wesh tu nous as prise pour des chèvres ou quoi ? BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 Arrow Ah putain comment ton invasion de smileys trop mignons me manquaaaaait. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 86663 (Bah dis donc, c'est que tu te dévergondes BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141 On doit payer combien pour une démonstration ? BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 562126) Oh tu te souviens de nos messages entre parenthèèèèèèses ? Shocked BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 7985 C'était trop cool. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 242446 C'est pas une réputation, c'est ce que tu es, ma chère. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 372147 Mais tant mieux, on va pouvoir faire la fête à gogo tous les jours. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 691554 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 1418844996 Je prépare déjà les strings et le champagne. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 740551 Waou, que c'est beau ce que tu dis là petit ours. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 890765 Ouais je t'invente plein de surnoms à la suite, j'trouve ça plutôt mignon. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 266409 Oh bah écoute, moi j'veux bien hiberner, parce que bon là c'est bac blanc bientôt et j'ai pas commencé, donc j'pense que me cacher serait la meilleure des solutions. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 759523 Haha t'inquiète pas, on a tous été dans la même merde donc bon. I love you (BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094) POUR NOUS JOUER UN MAUVAIS TOUR ? BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 536240 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141 C'est vrai que marie bambi théodora cassiopéa honey joyce, c'est pas du tout court. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 tongue Mais sur ton pseudo ça va, il est cool je trouve. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 125404 Oui c'est bien moi, la meilleure, à ton service quand tu veux. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 834183 Tu me fais dire plein de bêtiseeeeees. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 734138

EDIT. Oui je suis Lucky Luke, occasionnellement. :jem: Vous avez découvert mon secret. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 372147 Non on devait le remettre, mais on l'a pas fait finalement. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 890765 Mais à la prochaine version, et comme tu es là, on le remettra. :cam:
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BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 18:06

BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 MAIS NON JE TROUVAIS ÇA LE FAISAIT " BERCAIL" BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 ( en plus je savais même pas l'écrire la honte ... j'avais mit " -lle " ... BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 7985 ) & puis c'est mignon les chèvres non ? BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 562126 héhé les smileys c'est comme le flood, c'est ma vie, je peut pas m'en passer BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141 vous en avez mit des nouveaux en plus non ? ça gèèèèèèère BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 577704309 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 2965971428 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 3352113365 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 3242198613 ( mais oui, c'est revenir ici, ça m'émoustille BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 très cher ... mais pour toi, t'es tellement mignonne que ce sera gratuit BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 562126 ) mais tellement, on dit tellement de trucs qu'on avait deux-trois discutions entre parenthèse à la suite des fois BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 266409 Ouaaaaaais,et on se saoulera aux coca-cola, parce que moi, j'aime ça BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 242446 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 140329 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 29362 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 104551 Héhé on va être sexy en string BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 432336 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 160806 je sais je sais ... je me sens d'humeur poète aujourd'hui ... BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 32632 mais c'est tellement mignon, surtout petit ours BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 63951 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 Je te cacherai chez moi BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 moi j'ai TPE en février, on à même pas fini le sketch à rendre dans une semaine ... on est dans la merde BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141 OUAIS EXACTEMENT, JE FAIS PARTI DE LA TEAM ROCKET MOI, WESH. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 536240 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 691554 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 29362 non mais quand tu prends prénom par prénom, ils sont court BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 haaa merci BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 432336 tout le monde aime bambi BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 372147 mais non c'est pas des bêtises, t'es bien la meilleure de toute BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 372147 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 63951

HAN TROGNOOOON BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 63951 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 86663 J'inaugurerai le prochain GIRLS VS BOYS. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 266409
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Aaron Lawford
Aaron Lawford
MESSAGES : 14387
ARRIVÉE : 12/01/2011

BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 18:26

AH MON DIEU QUELLE FLOODEUSE. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 536240 J'aime ça bordel. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 759523 Oui mais non moi j'aime pas chèvres. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 1694777847 Et tu sais pourquoi ? Je me suis fait mordre par une chèvre quand j'étais petite, et ça m'a traumatisé. Laughing Oui plein de nouveaux petits smileys. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 228070207 (oh, je savais pas qu'on te faisait cet effet-là dis donc. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141 Gratuit ? Trop gentille de ta part petit ours. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 577704309 J'espère qu'il y aura l'option poils en moins hein. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094) OWI, moi aussi je veux me saouler au coca cola, ça doit être trop méga cool trop tip top. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 7985 Enfin bon pour le moment j'ai mes règles donc ça va pas être très pratique le string. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 282923 Haha putain je dis vraiment de la merde, mais bon pas grave j'le vis bien on va dire. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 562126 En fait tu me rends toute fqeofjegrsdijgrd (nouveau langage BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094), et ça me fait dire bah.. du caca. What a Face De toute façon on est tous dans la merde je crois. Laughing DONC, je propose : on se barre en Alaska faire la fête avec des caribous. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 29362 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 212121 OH T'AS LES CHEVEUX ROSES ? Je savais pas ça, tiens. tongue Bambi j'ai pas compris ce film en vrai. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 Je sais je suis bête mais bon. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 566512 YEEEEEES, haha. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 432336 En plus tu passes dans le camp adverse, encore mieux. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 537198
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BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 18:52

MAAAIS TOI AUSSI T'ES UNE GROSSE FLOODEUSE DE LA VIE, AVOUE-LE BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 691554 han pauvre choutte BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 577704309 bon bah ... un mouton ? BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 je vais pouvoir encore plus en utiliser :leandro: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 2965971428 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 1516208530 ( et pourtant ... personne ne fait autant d'effet BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 432336 hum ça je sais pas ... c'est cool mes poils d'ours non ? c'est tout doux BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 Arrow ) mais tellement, et puis se drogué au nutella, parce que le nutella, c'est bon BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 7985 I love you C'est vrai ? BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 ( parce que moi aussi .. on est synchro dis-dons BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 642251 ) mais c'est cool de dire de la merde, ça te donne un genre BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141 t'inquiète, il gère le nouveau langage, j'ai tout capiche BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141 tu me rends jfdojcnbgzlcojndzzj toi BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 890765 Oui on va tous se taper des notes pourris Laughing HAN OUI j'ai jamais rencontré de caribou en plus BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 86663 MAIS ATTENDS, C'EST SEXY LES CHEVEUX ROSES, LES MECS ILS AIMENT ÇA BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 242446 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 212121 Bambi j'ai jamais vu BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 mais comme "winnie" c'était déjà pris, j'ai changer pour Bambi comme prénom BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 63951 mais non, tu sera jamais bête BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 86663 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 161626 Mais tellement, les GIRLS en force là BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 740551 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 29362 ON SE BATTRA ENSEMBLE CONTRE LES MECS BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 29362 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 726387
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BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 19:04

Mais, mais, mais... J'suis le seul à voir que t'es supermegafoxyawesomehot ? Mon Dieeuuu depuis le temps que j'avais pas vu un fan d'AVPM Arrow Rebienvenue si j'ai bien compris BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 1434860120
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Aaron Lawford
Aaron Lawford
MESSAGES : 14387
ARRIVÉE : 12/01/2011

BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 19:13

OUI J'AVOUE. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141 MAIS C'EST ENCORE PLUS COOL DE PARLER AVEC UNE AUTRE GROSSE FLOODEUSE DE LA VIE. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 7985 Un mouton d'accord. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 890765 Comme ça on joue au saute mouton. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 212121 (je pourrais caresser ? BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 691554 Arrow) Ouais la drogue au nutella. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 561929 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 561929 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 561929 J'en suis accro. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 740551 ON EST DES CRIMINELLES DE LA VIE WESH. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 104551 Oui c'est vrai. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 (haha, on gère trop petit ours BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 228070207 ) Ah ouais, parce que j'avais pas de genre avant c'est ça ? BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 3900855282 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 1694777847 Ah c'est bien, on se comprend. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 855648211 Moi non plus, sauf dans INTO THE WILD. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 577704309 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 562126 C'EST VRAI ? Shocked Oh purée mais je vais aller chez le coiffeur moi alors. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 759523 WAAAAAAY, NÉNÉ POWER ! BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 29362 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 278960
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BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 20:24

SETH ❉ OH MY ROWLING ! BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 759523 UN FAN DE STARKID, UN FAN DE STARKID, UN FAN DE STAAAARKIIIIIIID BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 7985 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 136437 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 29362 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 432336 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 160806 c'est tellement incroyable, c'est totally awesome, TU ES TROP TOTALLY AWESOME BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 266409 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 161626 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 759523 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 86663 réserve-moi un super lien, et ton avatar est magnifique BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 161626 & merci beaucoup I love you

BEYBEY LA GRANDE DÉESSE (BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141) ❉ HISTOIRE QUE JE SOIS PAS LA SEULE CATÉGORISÉE DE GROSSE FLOODEUSE BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141 MAIS OUAIS C'EST TROP COOL, ON GÈRE TROP DANS LE FLOOD BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 432336 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 242446 c'est tout mignon les moutons BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 63951 mais fait attention à pas te faire tondre BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 890765 Han ouais saute-mouton, ça va gérer BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 212121 ( fait toi plaisir, c'est tout pour toi BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 ) Mais tellement, le nutella, le kinder, le ferrero rocher ... BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 266409 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 561929 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 561929 MAIS TELLEMENT, ON FAIT DU TRAFIQUE DE KINDER SURPRISE NOUS, TENTION LES GENS. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 566512 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 726387 on gère les règles :loni2: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141 MAAAAAAIS NOOON J'AI JAMAIS DIS CAAAAAAAAA BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 mais disons que maintenant que je suis là, j'ai développer ton genre BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 86663 j'en ai même pas vu à la télél, j'sais même pas à quoi sa ressemble Laughing OUAIS FAIT TOI DES CHEVEUX ROOOSES, ON SE FERA UN GANG DES CHEVEUX PINK D'ARROWSIC COMME ÇA BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 372147 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 726387 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 125404 YEAAAAAAAAAAH ON EST LES MEILLEURES :jem: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 834183 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 922836
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Aaron Lawford
Aaron Lawford
MESSAGES : 14387
ARRIVÉE : 12/01/2011

BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 20:32

MON DIEU TU ES COMPLÈTEMENT TARÉE ET J'AIME ÇAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 432336 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 577704309
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https://hideunderbeds.1fr1.net/t5712-aaron-hope-when-you-take-that-jump-you-don-t-fear-the-fall#210477 https://hideunderbeds.1fr1.net/t5717-aaron-walk-beside-me

BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 20:36

C'EST TOI LA PLUS TARÉE MON PETIT CARIBOOOOOOOU BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 577704309 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 266409
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BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 20:37

Bambi T. Grimm a écrit:
Mais tellement, les GIRLS en force là BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 740551 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 29362 ON SE BATTRA ENSEMBLE CONTRE LES MECS BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 29362 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 726387

BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 768993 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 768993 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 768993 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 768993
MAIS QUEL TRAITRE ! TU DEVRAIS ME SOUTENIR LA ! EN SOUVENIR DU BON VIEUX TEMPS AU MOINS ! BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 63951
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BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 20:40

HAAAA SI TU ME PREND PAR LES SENTIMENTS TOI AUSSI BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 bon bon ... Je te laisserai nous griller des points en faisant semblant que j'ai rien vu BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 556141 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 592400
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BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 20:41

Bon, c'est déjà ça I love you
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Aaron Lawford
Aaron Lawford
MESSAGES : 14387
ARRIVÉE : 12/01/2011

BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. EmptyDim 29 Jan - 20:46

BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 1411664268 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 768993 TU COMMENCES DÉJÀ A TRICHER MA BANANE ? Shocked BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 7985 Je vais te fouetter moi, tu vas voir. BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 592400 :cam:
MON PETIT OURS YA UN CARIBOUUU DANS TA SIGNATURE BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 27094 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 577704309 BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. 577704309
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BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.   BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts. Empty

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BAMBI ❉ i gotta get back to hogwarts, i gotta get back to school, where everyone things i'm cool. back to witches and wizards and magical beasts, to goblins and ghosts and to magical feasts.

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THEY HIDE UNDER BEDS. ☂ :: just gonna stand there and watch me burn :: every song has an ending :: souvenirs de la première version :: anciennes fiches de présentation-