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 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.

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Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty
MessageSujet: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.   Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. EmptyLun 24 Sep - 21:55

Clyde Alden Osbourne
« be yourself. everybody else is already taken. »
NOM: Osbourne, "Oui Jax, comme le méchant dans Spiderman". PRÉNOM: Clyde et Alden, prénom de son grand-père paternel. ÂGE: 42 ans. ORIGINES: américaines. MÉTIER/ÉTUDES: mécanicien et propriétaire de son propre garage. STATUT CIVIL: veuf. CRÉDITS: bazzart. AVATAR: Gerard Butler.

please, tell me your story.
i’m listening.

« J'avais dix-huit ans, je portais encore ces affreux blousons en cuir, j'avais les cheveux longs et tout mes jeans étaient déchirés aux genoux parce qu'à l'époque, c'était classe d'avoir l'air d'un mec méchant. Je me la jouais gros dur au bahut, mais tout les après-midi j'aidais ma mère à sa boulangerie, parce que mon père préférait se concentrer sur ses maquettes de bateau après le travail. Je me souviens du tintement de la clochette alors que tu poussais la porte, les joues rouges et essoufflée, et que tu te mettais à rire en réalisant que tu t'étais trompée de boutique. Pour te faire pardonner, parce que ma mère avait eu l'air heureuse de voir enfin un client, tu lui as acheté une brioche. A partir de là je n'ai jamais été aussi impatient d'aller aider ma mère, dans l'espoir de te voir te tromper encore.
Je n'étais pas bon à l'école, un cancre même si tu me disais plus intelligent que je ne le croyais, et j'ai abandonné pour aider mon père et son équipe de charpentier. Un an plus tard, quand j'ai enfin oser te demander de sortir avec moi, tu as accepter à la condition que je reprenne mes études. Est-ce que tu savais, déjà, que j'étais dingue de toi ? Je suis sûr que oui, parce que je l'ai fait. J'ai repris les études, pour toi, pour passer plus de temps avec toi. Et pendant que tu m'aidais à retenir des notions d'arithmétique, moi je te dévisageais. J'ai su que je t'aimais le jour où tu es venue pleurer dans mes bras, parce qu'un de tes poissons rouges était mort en laissant l'autre. Tu m'as fait promettre de ne pas t'abandonner trop tard, de ne pas attendre que tu sois profondément attaché à moi pour te laisser. Et on s'est promis ; à la vie, à la mort. Tu m'as offert la chance d'aimer quelqu'un d'autre, d'avoir quelqu'un à consoler, quelqu'un qui m'attendrait en rentrant. Pour un fils unique comme moi, c'était beaucoup.
J'ai eu mon diplôme grâce à toi, du bonheur en surdose, de l'excitation et de l'inattendu. On a eu du mal aussi, on s'en ai fait pas mal. L'année de mes vingt-et-un ans a été la pire de toute, parce que t'étais pas là. Un an sans toi, j'ai cru dépérir. Passer devant la maison où tu avais vécu avec tes parents, la voir vidée puis habitée par d'autres, avoir le cœur qui s'emballe en entendant cette clochette dans la boulangerie.. On avait pas fait de plans, on s'était rien promis mais quand tu es revenue de cette université et que tu as frappé à ma porte, c'était l'évidence ; toi et moi, c'était fait pour aller loin, plus loin qu'on aurait jamais osé y penser.
L'appartement miteux que j'avais alors, avait retrouvé cette couleur vive et lumière qu'il avait quand t'étais là. Toi aussi ça t'a semblé naturel d'être de nouveau ensemble, malgré la séparation ? Je crois pas aux âme-sœurs, mais si je devais je dirais que tu l'es.
Pour t'épouser il a fallut que je démissionne du garage où je bossais, que je me lance dans l'entreprise tout seul. Tu refusais d'être ma femme si je continuais à travailler pour un type que je détestais et qui me payais mal, tu voulais que je sois indépendant. Comme quoi, y a pas qu'à ces gamins de ta classe que tu apprenais des trucs.
J'ai toujours aimé ta force, dans laquelle je puisais la mienne. Ta légèreté face à mon humeur maussade. Ta fougue pour faire cesser ma prévisibilité. Ta maturité pour contrebalancer mes enfantillages. Mon opposée qui me complète complétait.
Mon amour pour toi n'a été que plus fort quand tu m'as offert Jaxson. J'étais fou le jour où tu as appelé au garage pour dire que tu étais enceinte. Beaucoup nous ont avertit ; Vingt-trois ans, c'est trop jeune pour avoir un enfant. Mais on était prêt, on a jamais été aussi prêt. J'ai jamais été aussi sûr de moi qu'au bout de ces neufs mois, quand je l'ai vu. Il avait déjà la plupart de tes traits et tes yeux, mon dieux ces yeux. Il a ton regard, cette lueur d'intelligence et de fougue, qu'il pense que personne ne voit quand il regarde ailleurs. Mais le plus beau ? Ca a été ses deux ans, quand il a crapahuté jusqu'à l'autel, ce même autel, pour nous apporter nos alliances. Vous étiez beaux, toi dans ta robe blanche, lui dans son petit costume beige.
Ses premiers mots, son premier rire, son premier bleu. Même si je suis fier qu'il soit capable de dormir dans son lit toute une nuit, je regrette parfois ces nuits où il venait se glisser à côté de toi parce qu'il avait fait un cauchemar. Vous voir, tous les deux endormis. C'était ça la vie, notre vie...
La main de Clyde froissa le papier terne, l'encre ayant coulé par endroit, alors qu'une larme lui échappait, s'écrasant sur les quelques lignes. Assit sur le bord de son lit, il caressa le drap puis se redressa pour ouvrir une petite boîte vernis dans laquelle il glissa la feuille qu'il avait écrit pour l'enterrement de son épouse, six ans plus tôt. Enterrement où, après avoir ravalé son chagrin pour serrer la main de son fils, il s'était contenté de dire au revoir.
Farfouillant légèrement la boîte, l'homme en retira son alliance qu'il caressa avant de la porter à ses lèvres pour y déposer un baiser. Déposant l'objet à sa place, il referma la boite et la repoussa sur la commode, sous un petit napperon avant de frotter ses yeux et de renifler l'air. « P'pa, j'suis là ! » L'interpella une voix dans l'entrée, obligeant Clyde à se rappeler de ce qu'il faisait avant de venir dans la chambre, où il s'était rendu pour changer de t-shirt. « Merde ! Ma purée ! » Et il se précipita dans la cuisine pour enlever le couvercle de la casserole pour y découvrir une étrange bouillie … rose. « Merde le torchon ! » Ajouta-t-il avant de tourner la tête vers Jaxson, « thaï ou italien ce soir ? » Questionna-t-il en attrapant deux menus dépliants. Encore une journée de plus. Encore une journée sans toi, songea-t-il en attrapant le téléphone.
welcome to our world.
nice to meet you.

Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Tumblr_m6rvg9XsNP1r6r05a
TU vois le lézard dans Raiponce, c'est moi. Comment ça "pas possible?" Si d'abord, les lézards peuvent écrire, j'en suis la preuve! Bon ok, j'suis une fille en vrai et je suis pas verte (sauf quand je suis malade). J'ai 22ans. Oui, ma jeunesse commence à se faner, c'terrible m'enfin j'ai toujours seize ans dans ma tête -ou pas tout le temps mais j'fais un effort. J'aime beaucoup votre forum, j'hésitais depuis plusieurs jours à m'inscrire et le scénario de Jaxson m'a convaincu. Mon plus sombre secret? Ok, vous êtes prêt? Je suis un agent particulier engagé en secret pour exterminer les pigeons. Et quand je serais grande, je veux être un héros de série-télé /sbaf/
Sur ce, je ne dirais que ces deux derniers mots: mot mot.

Dernière édition par Clyde A. Osbourne le Mer 26 Sep - 5:03, édité 3 fois
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Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.   Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. EmptyLun 24 Sep - 22:02

Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 759523 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 242446 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 104551
bienvenue parmi nous ! puis bon choix de scénaaaaaaa Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336
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Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.   Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. EmptyLun 24 Sep - 22:02

Bienvenue parmi nous et bon courage pour ta fiche. Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 4201062021 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2763270137
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Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.   Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. EmptyLun 24 Sep - 22:05

Merci merci merci Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951

Comme j'ai déjà dit, je suis à disposition, je suis un fils exemplaire après tout ... ou pas, t'sais Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 562126 En plus ouais, on déchire trop vive les comics o/ Le bouffon vert était un excellent méchant Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 784576

Bref, quoi dire de plus que dans l'autre post :

I love you :loni2: :abbey: :chazi&abbey: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 266409 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 242446 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 217379 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 125404 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 980392 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 140329 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 58332 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 104551 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 323989 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 983643 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 537198 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 621506 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 7985 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2614227822 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1418844996 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 577704309 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2965971428 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3242198613 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3920004554 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 592955131 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 675700275 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2124793060 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1029079239 I love you :loni2: :abbey: :chazi&abbey: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 266409 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 242446 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 217379 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 125404 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 980392 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 140329 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 58332 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 104551 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 323989 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 983643 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 537198 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 621506 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 7985 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2614227822 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1418844996 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 577704309 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2965971428 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3242198613 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3920004554 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 592955131 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 675700275 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2124793060 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1029079239 I love you :loni2: :abbey: :chazi&abbey: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 266409 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 242446 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 217379 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 125404 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 980392 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 140329 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 58332 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 104551 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 323989 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 983643 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 537198 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 621506 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 7985 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2614227822 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1418844996 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 577704309 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2965971428 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3242198613 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3920004554 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 592955131 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 675700275 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2124793060 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1029079239 I love you :loni2: :abbey: :chazi&abbey: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 266409 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 242446 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 217379 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 125404 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 980392 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 140329 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 58332 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 104551 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 323989 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 983643 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 537198 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 621506 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 7985 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2614227822 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1418844996 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 577704309 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2965971428 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3242198613 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3920004554 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 592955131 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 675700275 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2124793060 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1029079239 I love you :loni2: :abbey: :chazi&abbey: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 266409 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 242446 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 217379 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 125404 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 980392 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 140329 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 58332 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 104551 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 323989 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 983643 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 537198 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 621506 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 7985 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2614227822 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1418844996 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 577704309 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2965971428 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3242198613 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3920004554 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 592955131 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 675700275 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2124793060 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1029079239 I love you :loni2: :abbey: :chazi&abbey: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 266409 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 242446 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 217379 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 125404 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 980392 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 140329 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 58332 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 104551 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 323989 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 983643 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 537198 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 621506 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 7985 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2614227822 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1418844996 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 577704309 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2965971428 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3242198613 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3920004554 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 592955131 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 675700275 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2124793060 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1029079239 I love you :loni2: :abbey: :chazi&abbey: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 266409 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 242446 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 217379 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 125404 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 980392 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 140329 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 58332 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 104551 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 323989 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 983643 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 537198 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 621506 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 7985 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2614227822 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1418844996 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 577704309 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2965971428 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3242198613 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3920004554 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 592955131 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 675700275 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2124793060 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1029079239 I love you :loni2: :abbey: :chazi&abbey: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 266409 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 242446 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 217379 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 125404 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 980392 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 140329 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 58332 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 104551 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 323989 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 983643 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 537198 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 621506 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 7985 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2614227822 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1418844996 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 577704309 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2965971428 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3242198613 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3920004554 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 592955131 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 675700275 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2124793060 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1029079239 I love you :loni2: :abbey: :chazi&abbey: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 266409 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 242446 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 217379 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 125404 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 980392 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 140329 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 58332 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 104551 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 323989 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 983643 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 537198 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 621506 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 7985 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2614227822 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1418844996 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 577704309 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2965971428 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3242198613 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3920004554 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 592955131 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 675700275 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2124793060 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1029079239 I love you :loni2: :abbey: :chazi&abbey: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 266409 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 242446 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 217379 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 125404 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 980392 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 140329 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 58332 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 104551 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 323989 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 983643 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 537198 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 621506 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 7985 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2614227822 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1418844996 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 577704309 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2965971428 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3242198613 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3920004554 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 592955131 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 675700275 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2124793060 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1029079239 I love you :loni2: :abbey: :chazi&abbey: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 266409 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 242446 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 217379 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 125404 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 980392 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 140329 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 58332 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 104551 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 323989 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 983643 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 537198 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 621506 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 7985 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2614227822 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1418844996 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 577704309 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2965971428 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3242198613 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3920004554 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 592955131 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 675700275 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2124793060 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1029079239 I love you :loni2: :abbey: :chazi&abbey: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 266409 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 242446 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 217379 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 125404 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 980392 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 140329 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 58332 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 104551 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 323989 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 983643 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 537198 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 621506 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 7985 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2614227822 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1418844996 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 577704309 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2965971428 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3242198613 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3920004554 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 592955131 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 675700275 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2124793060 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1029079239 I love you :loni2: :abbey: :chazi&abbey: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 266409 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 242446 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 217379 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 125404 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 980392 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 140329 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 58332 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 104551 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 323989 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 983643 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 537198 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 621506 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 7985 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2614227822 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1418844996 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 577704309 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2965971428 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3242198613 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3920004554 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 592955131 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 675700275 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2124793060 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1029079239 I love you :loni2: :abbey: :chazi&abbey: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 266409 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 242446 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 217379 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 125404 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 980392 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 140329 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 58332 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 104551 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 323989 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 983643 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 537198 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 621506 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 7985 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2614227822 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1418844996 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 577704309 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2965971428 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3242198613 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3920004554 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 592955131 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 675700275 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2124793060 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1029079239 I love you :loni2: :abbey: :chazi&abbey: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 266409 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 242446 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 217379 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 125404 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 980392 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 140329 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 58332 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 104551 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 323989 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 983643 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 537198 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 621506 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 7985 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2614227822 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1418844996 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 577704309 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2965971428 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3242198613 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3920004554 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 592955131 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 675700275 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2124793060 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1029079239 I love you :loni2: :abbey: :chazi&abbey: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 266409 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 242446 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 217379 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 125404 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 980392 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 140329 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 58332 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 104551 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 323989 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 983643 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 537198 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 621506 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 7985 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2614227822 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1418844996 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 577704309 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2965971428 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3242198613 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 3920004554 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 592955131 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 675700275 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 2124793060 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1029079239


Ca déchire trop son string Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 13340412
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.   Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. EmptyLun 24 Sep - 22:12

    HAN OUAIS MON PATRON Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336 Avec un patron comme ça, ça m'donne une raison de plus pour me lever le matin Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 27094 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 562126 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951 Excellent choix de scénario en tout cas Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 242446 Bienvenue parmi nous et si tu as la moindre question, surtout n'hésite pas Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 45760
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.   Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. EmptyLun 24 Sep - 22:20

Mais à peine ... l'autre jax klaxon .. * sors * s'est inscrit que son papounet a suit ...

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Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.   Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. EmptyLun 24 Sep - 22:24

Ha ha j'avoue Ronron, mais en même temps, les Osbourne, ils déchirent Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 562126 Non sans rire, j'ai trop eu de la chance, pas à attendre Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951 J'y croyais pas, encore merci merci et je sors, je sors j'arrête mon bavardage inutile Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 562126
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Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.   Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. EmptyLun 24 Sep - 22:25

Bienvenue sexy padre Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 890765
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Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.   Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. EmptyLun 24 Sep - 22:26

Butler Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 561929 bienvenue à toi ♥️
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Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.   Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. EmptyLun 24 Sep - 22:26

    le papa Osbourne ! Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 890765 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336
    c'est du service rapide Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 27094 bienvenue parmi nous et bon courage pour ta fiche Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 918094149 excellent choix d'avatar et de scénario Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 63951
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Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.   Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. EmptyLun 24 Sep - 22:28

Bienvenuuuuue. :jem:
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Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.   Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. EmptyMar 25 Sep - 7:42

Butler Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 161626 :loni2:

Bienvenue et bon courage pour ta fiche I love you
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Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.   Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. EmptyMar 25 Sep - 9:50

Clyde A. Osbourne a écrit:
Mon plus sombre secret? Ok, vous êtes prêt? Je suis un agent particulier engagé en secret pour exterminer les pigeons.
C'EST VRAAAI? Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336 bordel de dieu, j'peux t'engager pour t'occuper de ceux qui me font la misère dans mon quartier??? et la misère à ma voiture en plus ! Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 136437 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 740551
superbe choix de scénario, et puis geraaald Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 890765 bienvenue parmi nous Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 161626
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Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.   Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. EmptyMar 25 Sep - 13:02

bienvenue parmi nous I love you
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Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.   Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. EmptyMar 25 Sep - 14:35

Bienvenue et bonne chance pour ta fiche I love you
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Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.   Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. EmptyMar 25 Sep - 17:17

Gerard Butler je me disais pourquoi je l'avais sur le bout de la langue ce matin et que je voulais absolument le mettre avec Liz Taylor (faut que j'arrête de passer le matin en coup de vent Arrow) Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 27094 C'est toi Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 890765 Très bon choix de scénario et ton pseudo j'adhère au passage:15:

Bienvenue aussi n'oublions pas c'est important Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 4201062021
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Ella B. Clarke-Jarvis
Ella B. Clarke-Jarvis
ARRIVÉE : 07/09/2011
LOCALISATION : Dans le pays où on ne grandit jamais.

Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.   Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. EmptyMar 25 Sep - 21:21

Bienvenue à toi Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 918094149
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https://hideunderbeds.1fr1.net/t2728-ella-le-meilleur-moyen-de-realiser-limpossible-est-de-croire-que-cest-possible https://hideunderbeds.1fr1.net/t2731-ella-dans-la-vie-les-choses-qui-ont-le-plus-de-valeur-sont-celles-qui-n-ont-pas-de-prix#91424

Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.   Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. EmptyMar 25 Sep - 23:36

butler. Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 160806
bienvenue parmi nous. Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 537198
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Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.   Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. EmptyMer 26 Sep - 5:07

Shocked Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 372147 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 726387 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 161626 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 86663 Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 759523 :loni2: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 1688888084 :leandro: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336
Merciii à tous de l'accueil *-*
et Jax, tout ces smiley ne t'offrent pas une excuse pour ne pas faire le ménage quand tu es de passage à la maiso-/sbaff/

Bon et bien, après avis de Jaxson, j'annonce officiellement que j'ai fini ma misérable fiche!

Et un petit dernier pour la route, parce que je l'adore et que je vous aime déjà : Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 161626
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Fernando Gautier-Perez
Fernando Gautier-Perez
DOUBLE-COMPTE : jona & louis.
ARRIVÉE : 07/03/2012
LOCALISATION : à l'hôpital.

Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.   Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. EmptyMer 26 Sep - 16:14

Il faut que Jaxton dise ici qu'il approuve ta fiche pour que je te valide Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 890765 I love you
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https://hideunderbeds.1fr1.net/t3256-fernando-mentir-est-ma-seconde-langue-maternelle https://hideunderbeds.1fr1.net/t3264-je-suis-docteur-je-peux-soigner-tes-maux-de-coeur

Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.   Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. EmptyMer 26 Sep - 16:25

Ohhhhh mes excuses (parce que j'avoue je suis un peu à la masse) , enfin oui oui j'approuves Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 480284

Enfin je ferais le ménage si j'ai envie Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 784576
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Fernando Gautier-Perez
Fernando Gautier-Perez
DOUBLE-COMPTE : jona & louis.
ARRIVÉE : 07/03/2012
LOCALISATION : à l'hôpital.

Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.   Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. EmptyMer 26 Sep - 16:28

Ok, parfait Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 556141 donc tu es validé Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 432336
N'oublies pas de recenser ton avatar et de poster sous dix jours Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 890765
Bienvenue dans la grande famille de thub Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. 918094149
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https://hideunderbeds.1fr1.net/t3256-fernando-mentir-est-ma-seconde-langue-maternelle https://hideunderbeds.1fr1.net/t3264-je-suis-docteur-je-peux-soigner-tes-maux-de-coeur

Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.   Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. EmptyMer 26 Sep - 17:29

Osbourne, j'ai tout de suite penser à Ozzy. Mais bon, Spider-Man c'est effectivement mieux comme référence ->
Sinon super choix de scénario, d'avatar, et le perso a l'air de vachement roxer. What a Face
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Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.   Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids. Empty

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Osbourne | Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.

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