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 ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.

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ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptyJeu 1 Nov - 9:13

« be yourself. everybody else is already taken. »
NOM: Monroe PRÉNOM: Marilyn Emily, suivi de Romy-Sloane. ÂGE: vingt-cinq ans ORIGINES: franco-américaine MÉTIER/ÉTUDES: professeure de français STATUT CIVIL: célibataire CRÉDITS: tumblr AVATAR: DiannaSEXYAgron I love you ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 759523

please, tell me your story.
i’m listening.

ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Tumblr_lziqh0VNgC1qfhsvzo1_250

Romy avait dix-neuf ans. Elle entrait enfin à l'université, à New-York, aux côtés de Lottie, sa meilleure amie de toujours. Les deux jeunes femmes avaient quittaient quelques semaines plus tôt leur ville natale, Arroswic. Elles étaient à la fois heureuses et impatientes de découvrir la Grande Pomme, elles qui n'avaient jamais vu plus loin que la frontière du Maine. Il faut dire que les parents de Romy n'avaient jamais eu les moyens pour payer à la famille Monroe des vacances hors de leur état, d'où la passion de Romy pour les voyages. « Je m'appelle Monsieur Kovalevski & suis donc votre professeur de russe pour cette année. » Romy ne savait pas vraiment pourquoi elle avait choisi russe mais se trouva rapidemment une raison, en rencontrant son professeur. Romy en était tombait amoureuse. Oui, amoureuse. La blonde n'avait jamais pensé que cela puisse lui arriver un jour, mais pourtant.. Elle savait que cela était interdit, alors elle le cacha, pendant près de six mois. Jusqu'à ce que Alekseï (c'était le prénom du professeur) ne fasse le premier pas, en l'embrassant par surprise. Ce n'était donc pas un amour à sens unique comme le pensait Romy au départ mais réciproque. Les deux jeunes gens formèrent un couple, pendant près d'un an. Ils filèrent le parfait amour, à l'abri des regards. Jusqu'à ce qu'un léger imprévu se mette en travers de leur route. « Je suis enceinte. »


welcome to our world.
nice to meet you.

ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Tumblr_m6rvg9XsNP1r6r05a
Ici, dis-nous qui tu es, quel âge tu as, si tu as des passions. N'oublie pas de nous révéler comment tu trouves THUB, ainsi que tes plus sombres secrets. Si ton personnage est issu de l'imagination de l'un de nos membres, indique-nous l'identité du créateur du scénario afin que nous attendions son aval pour ta validation. Ensuite, libre à toi de te présenter comme tu le veux.

Dernière édition par E. Romy-Sloane Monroe le Jeu 1 Nov - 14:34, édité 14 fois
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ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptyJeu 1 Nov - 9:14

+ 1 I love you
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ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptyJeu 1 Nov - 9:37

LE TIIIIIIIITRE. ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 432336 I love you Florence + The Machine. I love you I love you
Bienvenue parmi nous et bon courage pour ta fiche. ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 4201062021
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ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptyJeu 1 Nov - 10:38

Bienvenue jumelle de prénom ! ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 161626 ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 480284 :loni2:

Bonne écriture de ta fiiiiche ! ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 432336

(Et Diannaaaa ! ♥️ ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 104551 )

Édit : Haan goood, il claque ton nom de famille ! ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 432336 ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 266409
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ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptyJeu 1 Nov - 10:56

jennifer & karen ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 160806 ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 621506 ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 432336
merci beaucoup I love you
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ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptyJeu 1 Nov - 11:04

    Bienvenue parmi nous et si tu as la moindre question, n'hésite pas I love you
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ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptyJeu 1 Nov - 11:05

bienvenue parmi nous. ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 63951
dianna. ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 561929
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ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptyJeu 1 Nov - 11:55

Bienvenue à toi :D !
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ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptyJeu 1 Nov - 12:50

Bienvenuuue. I love you
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ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptyJeu 1 Nov - 13:39

vos choix d'avatars ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 432336 ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 256466 ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 621506
merci ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 63951 ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 2763270137
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ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptyJeu 1 Nov - 14:37

bienvenue parmi nous, bon courage pour ta fiche ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 918094149
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ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptyJeu 1 Nov - 14:38

Bienvenue parmi nous What a Face
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Fernando Gautier-Perez
Fernando Gautier-Perez
DOUBLE-COMPTE : jona & louis.
ARRIVÉE : 07/03/2012
LOCALISATION : à l'hôpital.

ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptyJeu 1 Nov - 15:16

Romy C. O'Hara a écrit:
Bienvenue jumelle de prénom ! ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 161626 ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 480284 :loni2:

Bonne écriture de ta fiiiiche ! ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 432336

(Et Diannaaaa ! ♥️ ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 104551 )

Édit : Haan goood, il claque ton nom de famille ! ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 432336 ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 266409

Justement pour les noms on accepte pas les doublons... Donc ce serait bien si tu prenais peut être Emily comme prénom principal ? Ou un autre I love you
Désolée de t'embeter et bienvenue parmis nouuuuus ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 918094149
Amuses toi bien ici!
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https://hideunderbeds.1fr1.net/t3256-fernando-mentir-est-ma-seconde-langue-maternelle https://hideunderbeds.1fr1.net/t3264-je-suis-docteur-je-peux-soigner-tes-maux-de-coeur
Ella B. Clarke-Jarvis
Ella B. Clarke-Jarvis
ARRIVÉE : 07/09/2011
LOCALISATION : Dans le pays où on ne grandit jamais.

ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptyJeu 1 Nov - 16:59

Oh Diana, elles défilent ici c'est un truc de fou ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 27094
Bienvenue à toi ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 918094149
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https://hideunderbeds.1fr1.net/t2728-ella-le-meilleur-moyen-de-realiser-limpossible-est-de-croire-que-cest-possible https://hideunderbeds.1fr1.net/t2731-ella-dans-la-vie-les-choses-qui-ont-le-plus-de-valeur-sont-celles-qui-n-ont-pas-de-prix#91424

ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptyJeu 1 Nov - 20:00

bienvenue parmi nous ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 556141
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ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptyJeu 1 Nov - 20:01

Dianna. Elle est fuckin' cutie. ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 918094149

Bienvenue parmi nous. I love you
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Aaron Lawford
Aaron Lawford
MESSAGES : 14387
ARRIVÉE : 12/01/2011

ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptyVen 2 Nov - 13:15

et bon courage pour écrire ta fiche. (:
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https://hideunderbeds.1fr1.net/t5712-aaron-hope-when-you-take-that-jump-you-don-t-fear-the-fall#210477 https://hideunderbeds.1fr1.net/t5717-aaron-walk-beside-me

ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptyVen 2 Nov - 17:37

le pseudo, je suis faan ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 432336 ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 63951 ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 759523
bienvenue sur thub I love you
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ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptySam 3 Nov - 1:41

I was looking for a breath of life, of life a little touch of heavenly light. But all the choirs in my head say, no oh oh ... ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 32632 Arrow
Bienvenue parmi nous ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 63951
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ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptySam 3 Nov - 7:05

    Dianna la délicieuse ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 3538987311
    Bienvenue ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 890765
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ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptySam 3 Nov - 11:29

    SLOANE-MONROE + ROMY + GRONGRON + THE TITLE ; tu gères ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 561929

    bienvenue en tout cas et bonne continuation avec ta fiche ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 432336
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ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptySam 3 Nov - 14:16

    DIANA AGRON ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 63951
    bienvenue parmi nous et bon courage pour ta fiche ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. 918094149
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ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptySam 3 Nov - 16:37

Bienvenue I love you
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ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptySam 3 Nov - 17:59

Bienvenue poupée!
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ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. EmptyJeu 8 Nov - 11:51

    Ton délai d'une semaine est terminé, as-tu besoin d'un délai suppl ? I love you
    Tu as deux jours pour nous donner de tes nouvelles, en attendant, je déplace.
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ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.   ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life. Empty

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ROMY ♈ i was looking for a breath of life.

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